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empirical approach中文是什么意思

用"empirical approach"造句"empirical approach"怎么读"empirical approach" in a sentence


  • 经验探讨
  • 实征取向
  • 实证研究法


  • However , an empirical approach is required to determine if this is a gain or a loss for each environment
  • This article analyzes the approaches to government termination : the fundamental empirical approach and the priori approach
  • The empirical approach has evolved into a body of work that applies increasingly sophisticated event to a dataset that has become to a large extent common within the profession
  • Then the author choose samples from the listed companies which are customers of banks , and adopted an empirical approach by using the kmv model and logistic model
  • This paper tried to analyze the agent cost affection on dividend policy , using the theories of property rights economics and information economics and the empirical approach
  • The example - based machine translation ( ebmt ) is an empirical approach , which avoids complicated deep - level linguistic and semantic analyses , and provides a new way for machine translation
    基于实例的机器翻译( ebmt )作为一种经验主义的方法,避免了复杂的深层次语法和语义分析,为机器翻译的发展指出了一条新路。
  • This research adopted the empirical approach to study of what influences of the effects of educational cooperative support system on employees ' organizational commitment and turnover in service industry
    摘要本研究为实证研究,主要目的是探讨服务业建教合作支持系统对员工组织承?与?职倾向的影响,以511教学全部建教合作学生为实证对象进? ? ?抽样研究。
  • For the credit absence of china ’ s listed companies , this paper analyses it from the visual angle of corporate governance by using the theories of property rights economics and information economics and the empirical approach
  • Along with that , the agritourism has become one of the new tourism styles . the purpose of this thesis is to offer a theoretical and empirical approach to promote the development of agritourism by analyzing the tourist market of agritourism in nanjing
  • The purpose of this thesis is to offer a theoretical and empirical approach to establish the skeleton of the management theory about the chinese tourism tax and promote the development of the tax mechanism
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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